Country Junction Feeds has a variety of products to meet the needs of the organic livestock producer. The mill is certified to produce organic feeds by Pro-Cert and has been since 2008. A dedicated receiving and bin system for this specialized feed line was installed in 2011. Country Junction takes the production of high quality and nutritious organic feeds seriously.
We are proud to manufacture products certified by "Pro-Cert Organic Systems Ltd.", in the only full-line feed mill producing organic feeds in Alberta since 2008.
We produce organic complete feeds, supplements and premixes, for Dairy, Poultry, Swine, Equine and Other Species.
We also buy and sell organic commodities as well as many ingredients approved for use in organic feeds.
Bagged feeds come in easy to handle 20 kg bags. Many of our customers get their organic feeds including the premixes, in bulk (>2 tonne quantities), conveniently delivered to their bins on farm.
It seems that organic is on everyone’s lips these days, but what does “organic” really mean?
Organic refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed; organic food is produced using environmentally and animal friendly farming methods. Organic certification lets consumers know that every step along the supply chain has protected and maintained the organic integrity that begins on the farm.
In Canada, this system is governed by government organic standards and regulations, and applies to both domestic and imported products. Canada’s organic standards are among the most recognized in the world, and place strict limits and prohibitions on the use of toxic and persistent pesticides; synthetic fertilizers; the routine use of drugs, antibiotics or synthetic hormones; animal cloning; genetic engineering (“GMOs”); sewage sludge (“biosolids”); and irradiation. Organic standards also forbid the use of artificial food colours, flavours, sweeteners, preservatives and many other processing aids and ingredients in processed foods.
Guided by these and other standards, organic is now the most heavily regulated and scrutinized food system in Canada, letting you help our environment while also choosing great-tasting, healthy food for you and your family.
Organic farmers cultivate their soil’s fertility and produce healthy food by:
Organic farming methods offer the best current model for promoting climate-friendly food production. This is because it is less dependent on fossil-fuel-based fertilizers and pesticides and builds resilience in the face of climatic extremes. Organic farming also stores higher levels of carbon in the soil, promotes wildlife diversity, reduces pest outbreaks, protects soil from erosion, helps prevent contamination of water, and uses far less energy than conventional farming methods.
Is organic food pesticide-free?
Most organic products test free of chemical pesticide residues, but this is not always the case. Sadly, chemical residues already contaminate much of our water, air and soil, and residues can sometimes show up in our food—even organic food. Organic agriculture is a response to this pollution but it doesn’t mean organic products will always be 100% residue “free”, since no one can make that guarantee 100% of the time (at least not until more farmers go organic!). However, many studies and experts have verified that if you want to reduce your exposure to chemical residues, the best way to do this is to choose organic products.
It’s important to remember that organic is about more than simply not using chemicals: it’s about rotating crops and building healthy soil for the future, it’s about treating animals well, and many other things you can’t “test” for (which is why we have organic inspectors out in the fields!).
What is the difference between “organic” and “natural”?
A lot! In Canada, organic is regulated by the government and must follow national standards, while “natural” is a marketing term used by companies based on their own definition of what “natural” is. That means anyone can use the word “natural” on their products, and consumers have to trust them. “Organic” on the other hand, is the gold standard for “eco-labels”—inspected and overseen by the government. Make sure you Think Before You Eat and look for the “Canada Organic” logo!
Information provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Government of Canada
Please Note: Country Junction Feeds offers many other bagged and bulk products not featured online. Should you require help with additional products such as labels, prices and information or simply to speak with a Country Junction Feeds specialist please Contact Us