The Country Junction Feed Mill produces a variety of products for dairy operations. If you require an organic line of products for your operation the Country Junction Feeds is proud to be the only certified organic full-line feed mill in Alberta. We can help you with premix or customized orders.
To serve the nutritional needs of our nation the dairy industry has conducted extensive research and experimentation. The result of these studies is enhanced methods of selection, breeding and feeding of cows. One hundred years ago a dairy farmer could expect the average cow to yield 1,700 quarts of milk annually. Today, milk production has soared to more than 8,200 quarts per cow.
For the producer proper nutritional management is critical. As herd sizes and production levels continue to increase dairy producers have to concentrate on grouping and feeding systems, the body conditioning, and the various nutritional requirements for their high producing dairy cows.
The variance in production levels and lactation stages means that the producer needs to provide the different ration formulations to each group in order to optimize and maintain high levels of production.
Not only are modifications to the feeding system necessary for the producer to maintain profitable production, but also for the physical well-being of the cow. A properly nourished cow is in better physical condition to defend against infections, handle stress, and other physical challenges. Likewise proper nutritional intake is essential early in the lactation to prepare the cow's reproductive system for conception and pregnancy.
Country Junction's goals have always been to help dairy farmers implement an effective feeding program that allows maximum intake of a nutritionally balanced ration that combines all quality dietary ingredients formulated to meet specific requirements
Please Note: Country Junction Feeds offers many other bagged and bulk products not featured online. Should you require help with additional products such as labels, prices and information or simply to speak with a Country Junction Feeds specialist please Contact Us