We are proud to offer nutritious solutions for the daily care of your livestock in the 21st century.
Whether you manage a large-scale operation or own a smaller-scale livestock producing business, we have the expertise, technology, and facilities to formulate a customized feed program for any type of unique animal.
Your concerns about a bison feeding program are likely centered on helping your animals cycle through the summer grazing period when the energy demands of lactating females and breeding bulls are higher, and through the winter months when the bison metabolism slows down
Elk experience changes in appetite, growth and reproduction along with changes in the seasons. For optimum health they require vitamin and mineral supplemental rations similar to that of other domestic livestock to balance their nutritional needs throughout the year.
Whether you are feeding pregnant or lactating does, one to sixteen-week old kids, or maturing goats for market we can formulate a very palatable ration specific to each of their nutritional needs.
Because feed costs account for the bulk of the cost of production on most sheep farms, it is important that producers consider nutrition management a top priority. We offer grower, finisher and conditioning products that are essential for proper growth, health and reproductive performance.
Please Note: Country Junction Feeds offers many other bagged and bulk products not featured online. Should you require help with additional products such as labels, prices and information or simply to speak with a Country Junction Feeds specialist please Contact Us